The House Leadership attempted to negotiate with the Democrats earlier this week but Democrats refused, showing their indifference to whether or not the government shuts down. The Continuing Resolution (CR) passed by the House would have only delayed Obamacare and the HHS Mandate, while fully funding the rest of the government, but Democrats would have none of it. The Senate voted 54 to 46 to defeat the CR. As Congresswoman Blackburn said; "A majority of Americans agree that Obamacare is having a devastating impact on businesses and families. The President has already delayed the employer mandate for his friends in big business and our proposal simply extends that relief to all hard-working taxpayers by delaying the individual mandate. It also ensures that all Members of Congress, the White House, and federal employees have to live under the same laws as the rest of the country. The Obamacare double standard that treats politicians in Washington better than the way it treats everyone else is a slap in the face of millions of hard-working people across our country. Obamacare treats some better than others and that's just simply not fair." Also watch Senator Cruz speak before the United States Senate on September 27, 2013.
The conservatives in the United States House of Representatives are not giving up. With a few days left to stop Obamacare from being implemented, the House is not budging. They have finally taken a stand against Obamacare. Earlier this week the House defunded Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution with almost all of the Republicans voting to defund the unpopular bill. Without the Continuing Resolution, the Government will all but shut down this Tuesday.
At 2:41pm on Tuesday, September 24, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas began a 21-hour speaking marathon on the Senate floor, declaring that he intended to speak until he could no longer stand. His goal? Make DC listen - to you. Senator Cruz spoke all through the night, but was forced to end at noon on Wednesday for the beginning of a new legislative day. He received help from Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Rand Paul (R-KY), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), David Vitter (R-LA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), and most notably from Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah. Cruz and Lee have led the fight to defund Obamacare in the Senate, and you can sign their petition calling on their colleagues to join them at During those 21 hours, Senator Cruz and the others who stood with him read story after story of people who will be - and have been - affected by Obamacare. Cruz repeatedly noted how the hashtag #MakeDCListen was trending higher and higher throughout the day and on into the night, emphasizing why he was speaking - to make D.C. listen to the American people.
We fully support Ted Cruz's move, and call on all Republican Senators to join him and Senator Mike Lee in fighting to Defund Obamacare. You can call your Senators and tell them to join the fight by scrolling down and viewing the list at NOTE: This was not technically a filibuster because Senator Cruz was not delaying a vote. However it had many of the same features as a filibuster, and was the fourth longest time that anyone has ever held the Senate floor.
UPDATE: Watch the live stream on our homepage: During the debate yesterday on the continuing resolution Tea Party superstar Ted Cruz was attacked by Harry Reid, who stated, "we’re not going to bow to tea party anarchists who deny the mere fact that Obamacare is the law. We will not bow to tea party anarchists who refuse to accept that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is Constitutional."
Ted Cruz also had a difficult time getting the floor. Today, Cruz had no problem getting the floor, but Reid will have a problem getting it back. At 2:40pm Ted Cruz began speaking in defense of defunding Obamacare, and Senator Cruz has been speaking for an hour, joined at one point by Senator Mike Lee. It seems strange but Cruz is speaking on a bill he fully supports, asking the Senate to not cloture it. This bill is the Continuing Resolution passed by the United States House of Representatives, that takes the funding away from Obamacare. The fear that Cruz has is that Reid will, using his position as Senate Majority Leader, will take that portion out of the bill. This would likely happen if the bill is clotured. Although some in the Conservative Movement have stated that this may not be the best way to fight Obamacare, Ted Cruz has the full support of the Republican Party. This is not yet a technical filibuster since the voting time is scheduled for tomorrow. Senate Bill 10 which is currentally in the State House would legalize homosexual marriage in Illinois. Only 13 States have made this move. Please contact the Illinois house of Repersentatives and tell them to protect the sanctity of Marriage by voting NO! on Senate Bill 10. To see the vote in the Senate click here. The Bill is currentally being debated in the House. As Summit Ministries noted in June of this year; Moreover, homosexual marriage has nothing to do with “tolerance” or ending “discrimination.” It is about legitimizing the homosexual lifestyle, compelling society to embrace a radical new morality. Same-sex marriage is a contradiction, an oxymoron. It is an attempt to redefine reality and human nature. Marriage is the basic institution of society. Its very definition (and essence) is the sacred union between a man and a woman. Its fundamental aim — and the reason for centuries it has held a special status in Western civilization — is to produce, raise and socialize children. It is the social conveyor belt by which one generation is passed on to the next. Destroy the family, and with it goes the glue holding society together. Homosexuals cannot have children naturally. Their lifestyles and behaviors inevitably lead to a culture of death — the absence of any future human life, the fruits of a marital union....Even deists, such as Thomas Jefferson, believed sodomy so violated public morality that those who practiced it should be castrated. Mr. Kuhner is absolutly correct; this is why Senate Bill 10 must be defeated.
Tomorrow, citizens of Alabama's First Congressional District have an opportunity to vote for a proven conservative in the Republican primary - Quin Hillyer. Mr Hillyer understand the principles that made this country great and will be ready to fight on Day One. He's received endorsements from strong conservatives such as former Senator Rick Santorum (see below), Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Ken Blackwell of the Family Research Council, and Mark Levin, as well as others. Get involved and learn more at You can also connect with the campaign on Facebook and Twitter. This special election presents an opportunity to elect a proven conservative to Congress - and that's an opportunity we don't want to miss. The nomination of the radical pro-abortion Cornelia Pillard to the DC Circuit of Appeals was approved yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Pillard is for the HHS Mandate, she has even spoken out against ultrasounds, saying that they manufacture, "deceptive images of fetus-as-autonomous-being that the anti-choice movement has popularized since the advent of amniocentesis." She has also spoken against motherhood. The nomination will go onto the Senate floor. It passed in committee by a party-line vote of 10-8. Freedom's Defenders hopes to see her nomination filibustered and ultimately defeated on the Senate floor. Please Ask your Senators to vote no on the nomination of cornelia pillard VIDEO: Watch Sen. Cruz ask the nominee about her past statements. Amid the fight to defund Obamacare lies another element: the fight to take away the Health and Human Service's Department's ability to use Obamacare to tell religious business owners what "health care" services they must provide for their employees, regardless of their religious convictions. The Hobby Lobby craft store chain is owned by the Greens, a Christian family who believes in protecting the right to life. They sued the Obama administration over the requirement to pay for abortion services. The case has wound its way through the courts, with each side refusing to give up. Today the Obama administration appealed a decision, which excepted Hobby Lobby from the requirement, to the United States Supreme Court. If Hobby Lobby loses, the protection of the First Amendment will all but disappear. Christian business owners would no longer have the ability to use their conscience in business decisions and would instead be forced to comply with the whims of the government. “The United States government is taking the remarkable position that private individuals lose their religious freedom when they make a living. We’re confident that the Supreme Court will reject the government’s extreme position and hold that religious liberty is for everyone—including people who run a business.” -Kyle Duncan, lead lawyer for Hobby Lobby Today the House voted 230 to 189 on H J RES 59 to defund the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The bill must now go to the Senate for approval, where Senate Democrats are expected to attempt to take the provision defunding Obamacare out of the Continuing Resolution (CR). Senate Republicans may attempt to filibuster to prevent this from happening, but this could also be a dangerous move, according to We must put pressure on Senate Republicans to vote NO on any motion stripping the CR of the language that defunds Obamacare. Contact your Senators and tell them to take a stand against Obamacare - find their contact info at Yesterday the Michigan State Senate passed two bills - one that would require drug testing for welfare recipients, and another that would require that recipients do community service. Both of these bills seem like common sense requirements, since after all these people are taking money from hard working tax payers. Most positions within the Government require drug tests, so why not welfare recipients? The Court has said no.
Welfare recipients currently cannot be drug tested, and why not? According to the Court, because they are private citizens, we must have a reasonable suspicion. This logic though must then be applied to school bus drivers who must be drug tested. Do we have a reasonable suspicion against all school bus drivers? How about policemen? The only difference between school bus drivers and welfare recipients, besides the fact that school bus drivers take care of kids, is that welfare recipients do nothing for the check they receive from the US taxpayer. Americans deserve to keep their money out of the hands of criminals, this is a common sense way to do so. As for community service, it makes sense to make welfare recipients do something for the paycheck that they did not earn. These bills will proceed to the State House on Tuesday. If the House passes them, they will go on to Governor Snyder. |
April 2016