![]() Yesterday, Matt Bevin officially filed to run for Governor of Kentucky, with Jenean Hampton, of Bowling Green, as his running mate. I played an active role in helping Matt Bevin during his U.S. Senate bid against Sen. Mitch McConnell in the 2014 Republican Primary, and was honored to be a part of the team that helped deliver a conservative Kentucky bell-maker over 39% of the vote despite being up against a nasty smear campaign that included tens of millions of dollars in attacks. Conservatives in Kentucky rallied behind Matt Bevin's candidacy and gave Senator McConnell the fight of his life -- a fight that I hope he will not soon forget now that he has returned to Washington, DC (much more can be said on that topic, but that will have to wait for another time). They were a united force, fighting against the political power machine that seems to dominate American politics. A special shout-out is due to Scott Hofstra and the United Kentucky Tea Party -- they played a major role in this. I went to Kentucky to help get out the vote for Matt Bevin along with about 30 other young Americans, some from Kentucky and some from as far as Oregon. We gave up our time to this cause because we care deeply about our nation and are willing to give up a few days out of our busy lives to support a conservative candidate who understands the Godly heritage of our country and the dangers we as a nation face today. Mr. Bevin understands these things. He understands the threats to our liberty and freedom. He's a veteran, a businessman, and a homeschooling father. I am proud to have supported him. Having been a strong supporter of Matt Bevin in the 2014 Senate race, there is a strong tendency to jump right back in and support him in this new endeavor. I know that Mr. Bevin is a strong conservative -- pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom, and committed to following the Constitution, and that makes it easy to support him in a heartbeat. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. However, I would like to give a word of caution -- one that I would hope is unnecessary, but still worth pointing out. There are four candidates in this race: James Comer, Hal Heiner, Will T. Scott, and Matt Bevin. Research them. All of them. Find out where all of them stand, on all of the issues. Mr. Bevin may be a candidate you supported previously, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to compare and contrast him with the other candidates in this new race for a different office. Do the research. Your state is worth it. I hope, in reading the above paragraph, you were thinking something along the lines of "Um, yeah... duh..." (it's even fine with me if you were shouting it at the computer screen). But I think it's a point that bears repeating. I've found myself in the past all too willing to take the easy route and support a familiar name in races for this office or that office -- not taking the time to actually look at all the candidates and see where they all stand (speaking of which, 2016 is going to take a lot of research, it appears...). But it is the right thing to do. It's what the founders who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in their efforts to form a new republic would want you to do as a responsible citizen -- and I am pretty sure Mr. Bevin would agree. I haven't picked a candidate in the Governor's race -- as citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that is your duty. It's up to you to perform this duty well by being informed and knowledgeable when you step into the voting booth.
The GOP caucus in the US House of Representatives has scrapped plans to vote on the HR36, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act today -- the day of the March for Life in Washington, DC. HR36 would ban most abortions after five months of pregnancy -- a point at which a baby can feel pain and survive long-term outside the womb.
House leadership has replaced this bill with the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. This is an important bill, which we are glad to see has just passed the House of Representatives by a 242-179 margin. However, this should not replace HR36. The Daily Signal has more information here: dailysignal.com/2015/01/21/last-second-house-gop-leaders-ditch-effort-pass-bill-limiting-abortion TAKE ACTION to defend life by calling your US Representative and asking them to support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Click here for a suggested script and contact info. On Saturday, I attended the Dallas March For Life where we marched to advocate the end of abortion in Texas and the United States. We walked through the streets of downtown Dallas and then held a rally at the very courthouse where Roe Vs. Wade began. Rally speakers included Bishop Kevin Farrell, Laura Anderson from Brave love (a movement to increase adoption), and April Keese from African Americans for Life. This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the decision that made abortion legal. Since being made legal, roughly 56 million (yes, million) babies have been killed through abortion. Although it was a somber experience, we had much to celebrate. Because of the recent passing and enforcement of HB2, the number of Texas abortion clinics has gone from what was once 44, to only 8. This was a huge victory for Pro-Life advocates in Texas and has made it possible to end abortion during our generation. The Declaration of Independence tells us that God has given us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Please choose to support adoption, crisis pregnancy centers, and pro-life organizations. Choose to keep fighting to protect the most innocent...the ones who have not had a chance to utter their first cry or take their first breath. Choose life. Victory R
![]() We were proud to join with Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Patriots, the Convention of States project, Patriot Voices and many other conservative groups to sponsor the 2015 Michigan Grassroots PowWow in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan this past weekend! Attendees heard from some great speakers including General Boykin of the Family Research Council, and newly-elected State Representatives Gary Glenn, Cindy Gamrat, and Todd Courser. John Yob, a top-notch political consultant who has worked on campaigns across the country including Rick Santorum's presidential campaign in 2012 and Ben Sasse's campaign for Senate in 2014, also spoke to the group on Friday evening. A panel on Saturday afternoon addressed the upcoming tax hike that will be voted on in Michigan in May, and Representatives Gamrat and Courser discussed their newly-released Contract for Liberty Project. Overall, it was a great event jam-packed with useful information for conservative activists in Michigan -- I would definitely recommend that all Michigan conservatives plan to attend in 2016! - Peter |
April 2016