![]() The Detroit News reports that Michigan Supreme Court Justice Mary Beth Kelly will be resigning from the state's highest court to return to private practice on October 1. It is reported she will be working for the Bodman law firm in Detroit. Governor Rick Snyder will be be appointing Justice Kelly's replacement. While Justice Kelly did join the liberal dissent in a recent case involving Right-To-Work in Michigan, when looking at decisions made by the Court she is undoubtedly a part of the 5-member Rule of Law majority on the seven-member Court. Justice Kelly was elected to the Michigan Supreme Court in 2010, following over a decade of service of the Wayne County Circuit Court.
![]() Ever since undercover videos were released that showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the harvest and sale of the body parts of aborted babies, there has been a renewed push to defund Planned Parenthood. This push has rightly occurred in Congress and state governments, but another way you can help defund the abortion giant is by asking businesses to halt their support of Planned Parenthood. Alliance Defending Freedom lists 33 prominent companies that fund Planned Parenthood, along with contact information for each. Included in this list are businesses like Starbucks, Microsoft, Verizon Wireless, Bank of America, ExxonMobil, and Energizer. Here's what you can do:
For other ways you can take action to defund Planned Parenthood, including contacting your members of Congress, click here. A Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that making wedding cakes does not have religious implications. Although religions throughout all of history and all over the earth believe that marriage is something more than just a civil joining of two individuals. Christianity in particular believes that marriage is a joining of two opposites, man and woman, to come together and bring children into the world. Marriage is a symbol of what the relationship between Christ and the Church. Its practical application allows the building of homes to raise children. Marriage was crafted carefully by God at the beginning and thus Christians believe that to show any recognition of a perversion of marriage would be to sin. Thus Christians want no part in any homosexual wedding ceremony.
Masterpiece cakes offered the homosexual couple to bake any other goods for them, but they refused. Instead they argued that their rights to freedom of access was violated under Colorado's public accommodation law. Jake Phillips, owner of the bakery, point out correctly that his religious rights are being violated. He should not have to use his skills to celebrate something that he believes is a defilement of an institution designed by God. A business owner should have the right to conduct his business in accordance with his beliefs. American tradition has always held that individuals must have the ability to conduct their lives in accordance with their beliefs as long as it does not violate another individuals inherent rights. Buying a cake from Masterpiece Bakery is not an inherent right, nor is there a right to not be offended. On the other hand running a business in accordance to beliefs is an inherent right. Only until we remember that one of the primary rights of democracy is the right to freedom of conscience and to act accordingly and debate accordingly we will find ourselves facing totalitarianism. Our men will have died in vain. We must remember what our rights are and how to defend them. ![]() New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the No. 3 Democrat in the United States Senate, has announced that he will oppose President Obama's Iran Deal. In a statement, Sen. Schumer cited three main reasons he cannot support the agreement:
To me, the very real risk that Iran will not moderate and will, instead, use the agreement to pursue its nefarious goals is too great. - SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER, D-NY President Obama has been lobbying hard to gain support for the Iran Deal in Congress, and the opposition of the No. 3 Senate Democrat is certainly a blow to the administration's hopes of passing this flawed agreement.
April 2016