![]() Freedom's Defenders condemns the actions of the United Nations against the sovereign nation of Israel. There is no evidence of any war crimes committed by Israel, but there is evidence of crimes being committed by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The fact that the United Nations has determined to attack Israel's actions rather than the actions of terrorists once again show how the United Nations has taken sides against the interest of the United States. The failure of the United Nations to recognize Israeli borders, and that organization's insistence that much of the territory granted to Israel is "occupied Palestine" should indicate to the world that the United Nations does not have the ability to lead on this matter. The fact that the United Nations seems to portray the fact that fewer Israeli citizens have died than Gazans as unfair, continues to build the case against the United Nations. The High Commissioner of the United Nations stated; “I unequivocally reiterate to all actors in this conflict that civilians must not be targeted. It is imperative that Israel, Hamas and all Palestinian armed groups strictly abide by applicable norms of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Not abiding by these principles may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.” It is beyond dispute that Israel does abide by international law. Israel warns the civilians in any area before attacking. Israel repeatedly asks civilians to leave targeted areas, but the Government of Gaza tells the people to ignore Israeli warnings. Israel has even opened field hospitals for the civilian Gazan victims of the conflict. Terrorists in Gaza have fired thousands of rockets into civilian areas of Israel. The only reason the death toll of Israel is lower than the death toll of Gaza is because Israel has superior technology, and is able to intercept the missiles destined for Israeli civilians. Gaza does not have this technology, nor do they want it, the government of Gaza does not allow their citizens access to bomb shelters. The government of Gaza wishes to use their people as shields, in order to make Israel look bad. Israel's only wish is to live in peace and defend her citizens -- Hamas terrorists have made that impossible. Freedom's Defenders condemn the UN's actions and call for an investigation into the actions of Gaza and full military and economic support behind the Nation of Israel. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. God bless Israel.
In just over two weeks, Michigan Republicans will head to the polls to pick their candidates for the November general election.
State Representative Tom McMillin is a conservative Republican running to replace retiring Congressman Mike Rogers in Michigan's Eighth District. He'll face former State Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop on August 5th. Both are running on their conservative credentials, but Tom McMillin has a clear record of standing up for Michigan taxpayers that Mike Bishop can't quite match. McMillin is strong constitutional conservative, a champion of religious freedom, and a strong defender of the right to life and traditional marriage. He has been the leader of the fight against Common Core in Michigan's state legislature and strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Learn more about how Tom McMillin is Standing Up. We encourage Republican voters in the Eighth District to vote for Tom McMillin on August 5th. ![]() Israel has seen recent attacks - both literally and figuratively - from her enemies. While Gaza has launched a full scale rocket assault on Israel, Israel's political enemies have begun to attack the fact that Israel is defending herself. Earlier this week Gaza breached a five hour old cease fire by launching 50 rockets into Israel - sending the citizens of Tel Aviv scrambling for shelter. Today Israel announced that they will be launching a ground invasion into Gaza. Below is a defense of Israel's actions by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyaha made at the beginning of a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini.
To read more about this conflict we recommend Jonah Goldberg's recent article.
The United Nations "Disabilities Treaty" (CRPD), is back in the Senate and a committee hearing will be held on July 22 at 10am Eastern Time. This dangerous treaty would surrender parental rights and national sovereignty to the United Nations, while not actually benefiting Americans with disabilities. Treaty proponents are pushing hard for ratification, knowing that conservatives are likely to pick up several additional U.S. Senate seats in November, making it even harder to ratify the treaty. See the list of Senators that sit on the Foreign Relations Committee here, and call your senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Learn more about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities here. Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court upheld the right of the owners of Hobby Lobby to practice their religion. Hobby Lobby was threatened with millions of dollars of fines if they did not pay for abortions, but the Supreme Court struck down the HHS mandate. This was a victory for religious freedom and we are all thankful that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the rights of the owners of Hobby Lobby.
However, this battle is not over. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said last Tuesday, "The one thing we’re going to do during this work period, sooner rather than later, is to ensure that women’s lives are not determined by virtue of five white men, this Hobby Lobby decision is outrageous, and we’re going to do something about it. People are going to have to walk down here and vote, and if they vote with the five men on the Supreme Court, I think they’re going to be treated unfavorably come November with the elections." Then, Senator Pat Murray (D) of Washington introduced S.B. 2578 to "repeal" Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby Inc. Please note that the Supreme Court would UPHOLD this law. The Hobby Lobby decision was decided under a 1993 law known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This law was enacted after the Supreme Court decision in Employment Div vs. Smith. In this decision, the court stopped using the compelling interest test for religious freedom cases involving a neutral law of general applicability. Because the Hobby Lobby decision was made based on a federal law and not the first amendment, the US Congress is ALLOWED to change the law to ensure that there is no exemption for Hobby Lobby. We must fight S.B. 2578 to the very end. While it may be unlikely that five republican senators will vote to allow this bill to go up for a vote in the Senate, we must remember that republicans have voted to allow other bills to go up for a vote. And while we would not expect the House to pass this bill we must watch them carefully. Remember, this is an election year and politicians are often more likely to cave to demands in an attempt to gain more votes. |
April 2016