In 2014, Republicans faced a relatively "friendly" Senate map: most of the competitive races were seats held by Democrats in states that are considered Republican or swing states. That allowed us to flip 8 seats from Democrat to Republican, while holding all the Republican seats. The end result is a 53-47 GOP majority in the United States Senate for the next two years. Enter the 2016 map. Here, the map is more or less flipped. While there are two Democrat-held seats that are expected to be competitive (Nevada and Colorado), the majority of races that are expected to be very competitive will be for Republican-held seats -- Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, and a handful of others . As it currently stands, the GOP can only lose two of these races in 2016 -- if it loses three or more, Republicans will lose their Senate majority. The first race in the 2016 cycle? Louisiana's Senate run-off election on December 6, 2014. Yes, I know. 2014 and 2016 are two years apart. But here's the key: if Republicans win the Louisiana race, our incoming majority will be stronger -- a 54-46 seat majority. That means we have a bigger cushion in case 2016 shapes up to be a tough year for the GOP. Don't get me wrong. I am not giving up on holding (and even expanding!) our Senate majority in 2016. We have some very exciting opportunities, such as defeating Harry Reid in Nevada. However, it's better to be safe than sorry, and whether we win or lose the Louisiana Senate race this year could literally decide whether we hold or lose our Senate majority in 2016. Defeat Mary LandrieuMary Landrieu, Louisiana's Democrat Senator up for re-election this year, faces a tough battle. After a well-fought Republican primary, Republicans have united behind Dr. Bill Cassidy, who represents Louisiana's 6th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. The latest poll for the race shows Cassidy up by 11% -- but in a December run-off, with Election Day on a Saturday, nothing can be taken for granted.
Landrieu votes with President Obama over 95% of the time. She scores a dismal 3% on the Heritage Action scorecard. And even when she tried to rally Senate Democrats to vote in favor of approving the Keystone Pipeline, she fell just short of the 60 votes needed. Even with all 45 Republican Senators voting for the bill, Landrieu failed to persuade even just 15 Democratic Senators who would be willing to work together and pass the bill. It's time to send Mary Landrieu home. Learn how you can get involved to #DefeatLandrieu by visiting!
Watching the Mississippi U.S. Senate race unfold over the past few months, it has become very clear who our friends are and who our enemies are. It's also become painfully clear that more and more often, our enemies are within our own party. Thad Cochran's campaign and supporters spent millions demonizing conservative Chris McDaniel, a fellow Republican. His allies spent tens of thousands of dollars calling Chris McDaniel racist and turning out Democratic voters to steal the Republican primary from McDaniel, who won the clear majority of Republican votes. They are willing to sacrifice principle for power, conviction for compromise. They are willing to ignore the voice of Mississippi's Republican voters by recruiting ten of thousands of Democratic voters to cross over and vote for Thad Cochran, who campaigned on a platform of big government spending and food stamps. We will not forget how they sought to crush our voice. Conservatives are not the ones being divisive. We are not the ones alienating the base of the Republican party. The liberal Republican establishment is. We want to fight together for one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. They want power. And we will remember how they betrayed us to stay in power. Conservative Republicans must stand together. We must stand on principle. We must stand with courage and conviction. Remember Mississippi. And don't stop fighting. - Peter B. "I want to be very, very clear: there is nothing dangerous or extreme about wanting to balance a budget! There is nothing dangerous or extreme about defending the Constitution and the civil liberties therein. And there is nothing strange at all about standing, as people of faith, for a country that we built, that we believe in." Mississippi is the one of the most conservative states in the nation. So why are they stuck with one of the most liberal Republican U.S. Senators? The good news is, it doesn't look like that will be the case much longer. Recent polls show conservative Chris McDaniel, who is challenging Cochran in the Republican Senate primary, with a lead in the race -- and the momentum is all on his side. A poll conducted by shows McDaniel leading by 4%, and a second poll now has him leading 43%-36%. Thad Cochran has the lowest Obama-era ratings of any Republican Senator, according to the American Conservative Union, and as McDaniel points out, has not led a single fight against the Obama administration. It's time for a real conservative Senator from Mississippi -- vote Chris McDaniel on June 3rd! Ben Sasse is a fifth-generation Nebraskan, a constitutional conservative, a homeschool dad, and an outspoken opponent of Obamacare. He's running for Nebraska's open United States Senate seat, and has the support of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Sarah Palin, the Family Research Council Action PAC, and many more. We are proud to support Ben Sasse for U.S. Senate. As President of Midland University in Nebraska, Sasse was one of the youngest university presidents in the history of American higher education and turned around a university on the verge of closing down. Because of his leadership, for the past four years Midland University has been the fastest-growing school in the state. Ben Sasse recognizes that it is not enough to stop bad ideas -- we must put forward free-market solutions and conservatives must shape the Republican party into the party of ideas. His leadership, conservative values, and real-world experience are much-needed in Washington. Learn more about Ben Sasse:
The Senate Conservatives Fund has released a new ad highlighting Chris McDaniel, running for Senate against 40+ year incumbent Senator Thad Cochran in the Republican primary on June 3rd.
Get involved and support constitutional conservative Chris McDaniel at! The Kentucky Senate primary is a battle between two visions for the Republican Party. The GOP Establishment wants to re-elect their moderate incumbent, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The conservative grassroots are demanding a real conservative leader -- and Matt Bevin is that candidate. Kentucky has a chance to elect a real conservative to the United States Senate in 2014 -- businessman & former U.S. Army Captain Matt Bevin. Matt Hoskins, executive director of the Senate Conservatives Fund, notes that "Matt Bevin is a true conservative who will fight to stop the massive spending, bailouts, and debt that are destroying our country. He is not afraid to stand up to the establishment and he will do what it takes to stop Obamacare." Matt Bevin also has strong support from conservative voters in Kentucky. The Boone County GOP Christmas gala straw poll, attended by nearly 700 Republicans, resulted in Bevin winning with over 80 percent of the votes against Mitch McConnell in the race for U.S. Senate. He has the support of Take Back Kentucky, United Kentucky Tea Party, Louisville Tea Party, Northern Kentucky Right to Life, Angela Minter, Executive Director Sisters for Life to name a few. As is the case when a GOP backed candidate is challenged, Bevin is no match financially against McConnell. This important Republican primary election is going to depend entirely on grassroots and volunteers. Even if you don't live in Kentucky, you can tell the GOP that you support real conservatives who will defend faith, family, and freedom. GET INVOLVED: Volunteer for Matt Bevin Show your support: Donate your Facebook cover photo! Join Matt on Facebook Follow @MattBevin on Twitter Follow @YouthForBevin on Twitter #Bevin2014: Tweet Your Support for Matt Original post at Used and edited with permission.
If you want your children and grandchildren to have a shot at educational freedom and a decent education, now is the time to act.
In an email to supporters, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) sent out an urgent action item. We join them in urging you to call your senators and representatives and give them this message (or a paraphrased version): “I strongly oppose the Common Core standards, and do not want the federal government using federal funds to support this controversial program. Please sign onto the Grassley letter [if you are calling your senators] or Steve King letter [if you are calling your U.S. Representative] to members of the Appropriations Committee which urges Congress to end federal funds in support of the Common Core. States, not the federal government, should decide what is best for their education system.” The capitol switch board number is 202-224-3121. Take action to defend educational freedom!
Moving forward, Senator Corker's opposition to the treaty will serve as a significant barrier to ratification of the CRPD in 2014 and beyond. We applaud Senators Corker and Alexander for their position protecting the Constitution, national sovereignty, and parental rights.
Read the full statement: Corker: Advocating for U.S. Disability Rights Abroad Should Not Come at the Expense of the Constitution
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