Marriage is the foundation of society. The Bible has outlined what God intended the family to look like and this ideal is under attack. Under Senate Bill 1062 in Arizona companies could refuse to service gay couples for religious reasons. In several states businesses have had to make the decision between obeying God and obeying the law, this bill would ensure that that would not happen. People have stated that this is bringing back the old discrimination of the Jim Crow South, but let us look at what is really happening; Firstly being homosexual is a choice, unlike skin color. Secondly, most Evangelical companies have been more than happy to serve homosexuals -- and even employ them -- but they will not serve in their "weddings". The reason is simple, serving the person in an everyday capacity is not endorsing their lifestyle -- or helping them sin, but participating in a homosexual wedding is. This is a huge difference for a Christian. Participating, even in a paid position, in a homosexual wedding is helping someone do something that God defines as a sin. Helping someone sin is as bad as committing a violation of God's law yourself. In other words Christians believe that doing contract work for a gay wedding is sinning, since gay "marriage" defies God's natural order. For these reasons Freedom's Defenders encourages Governor Jan Brewer to sign Senate Bill 1062. Religious Liberty needs to be protected. To read about how this bill is being distorted click here.
The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on the President Obama's Unconstitutional use of executive authority tomorrow at 10:00 am.
See the hearing here.
What if every conservative patriot registered just one more person to vote? Big changes often have small beginnings.
Take the pledge to register one more conservative voter at! The new Democratic Governor and Senators took office last month and already they are undoing the pro-life progress of their predecessors. Under the leadership of a Republican Governor, Virginia had passed a ultrasound requirement for women considering abortion, because most women who see their baby choose life. With the change of leadership in the Senate came a renewed attack on this life saving law. The Senate voted 20-20 to repeal the bill with the Lt. Governor breaking the vote. Thankfully, since the House of Delegates is still controlled by the Republicans it is unlikely to go any farther, but we still ask that Virginians call their Delegate and ask them to vote against the repeal of the ultrasound requirement.
Senator Mike Lee delivered the Tea Party Response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last Tuesday. Watch it below! NOTE: You can watch the official Republican Response, delivered by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, here. |
April 2016