![]() “My view is the less the government can do and the more freedom and opportunity you give people, that trusting people and free people and free enterprise - that America has built the greatest country in the history of the world.” There are more than a few good people running for president in 2016. After a great deal of thought and research I have decided that Rick Santorum is the best man for the job, and here are the reasons why. First let us tackle Senator Santorum on the issues. One of the most important issues that face a president is foreign policy, and out of all of the current GOP candidates for president Senator Santorum has the most experience with foreign policy. Senator Santorum served for 8 years on the Senate Armed Services Committee and authored the Syria Accountability Act and the Iran Freedom and Support Act. Further, and most importantly, Rick Santorum stands with Israel, Patriot Voices, the organization that Senator Santorum started and was chairman of for 2 years, took goodwill trip to Israel and has led the effort in standing with Israel against those who would attack her Senator Santorum has often declared that as president he will fight to stop the rise of radical Islam and the threat of terrorism. Rick Santorum believes in the American dream and the importance of allowing healthy amount of immigration into our country. As president, he hopes to downsize the amount of immigrants (or immigration) As the son and grandson of Italian immigrants, Rick Santorum believes in the American dream and the importance of allowing healthy amount of immigration into our country. As president, he hopes to downsize the amount of immigrants (or immigration) each year from the approximately 1 million immigrants we currently get to about 750,000, which he believes is a more healthy number that will allow for economic growth and jobs for American citizens. Senator Santorum has been focused on helping middle class Americans who are the backbone of the country. In order to do this he believes in creating a fairer and flatter tax code that would greatly diminish the role of the IRS in our day to day lives. Senator Santorum’s thoughts on the American workers can be found in his book Blue Collar Conservative. Senator Santorum is committed to creating an atmosphere in which business can thrive with less government restrictions and more freedom. As a member of the “Gang of Seven” which helped to expose the congressional banking and post office scandals in the early 1990s, Senator Santorum has long been a proponent of fiscal responsibility. Senator Santorum supports “No Budget, No Pay” legislation which would require a balanced budget or else the members of congress forgo their pay. He also has been a long supporter of a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. Rick Santorum believes in school choice and stands for “Common Sense, not Common Core” He believes that parents, states and communities should make the decisions about education rather than the federal government. Regarding family values and religious freedom, Senator Santorum is a strong believe in conservative values, such as the sanctity of life, the right to protect ones self and family, the definition of marriage as being a union between one man and one woman. "You can't ignore the reality that faith and family, those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies." Senator Santorum also authored the Workplace Religious Freedom Act. To me the most important issue facing this nation and our society in general is the issue of life/abortion. And this is the main reason I admire Rick J. Santorum. From his time in the senate to the present day Senator Santorum has been a champion for the Right to life and a hero in the battle for the Sanctity of life. He wrote, and championed the fight to pass both the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Further he has written legislation promoting the use of adult stem cell research so that ethical research can be continued to cure debilitating diseases without the loss of human life entailed in embryonic stem cell research. Not one to stop with words, you can see his commitment to protecting the sanctity of life played out in his day to day walk. Senator Santorum is a protector of our weakest and most vulnerable citizens, those with disabilities. When his youngest daughter, Isabella, was born with a serious and rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 18, the resolve of the Santorums to protect the rights of the disabled was further galvanized. (read “Bella’s Gift”, authored by Senator and Mrs. Santorum with their daughter Elizabeth) Rick Santorum, while in the senate, authored and helped to pass the Combating Autism Act of 2005 and also co-authored Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Leading a grassroots effort through Patriot Voices, Senator Santorum was a strong voice in the fight against the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which was a treaty that would have put the US under international law and given the power of making decisions regarding the treatment of disabled Americans to unelected UN officials. These are the reasons why I support Rick J. Santorum for president, but in addition to that, the fact that he has such a happy and successful family shows me that he has been faithful in taking care of his biggest responsibilities, Rick is the proud father of two sons who are Citadel Cadets and who are planning to join the military. This shows me that Senator Santorum values, and has taught his children to value patriotism, and that he will not be reckless in his use of our armed forces. He knows that those soldiers have faces, names and families. Rick's previous successes in running for office and the organization he founded, Patriot Voices, does amazing things to protect our family, faith and freedom. In Rick Santorum, I see a man who loves his family and loves his country. That is the sort of man I want to be president. This is the man I want to run my country. #GameOn “America's honor, your honor is at stake. Go out and preserve the greatest country in the history of the world.”
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This morning (Oct 29th 2015) it was announced that the House of Representatives elected a new Speaker of the House. The new Speaker is the Honorable Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) (Former republican candidate for Vice President).
It occurred to me that some of our readers might not be fully aware of what the duties, responsibilities and privileges of the office of Speaker of the House are, so I decided to write this post. I hope my readers find this helpful! First step in understand the Speakership is understanding the House of Representatives, for this we are going straight to the Constitution. Article 1, Section 2 “he House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen…… The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” The House of Representatives is essentially our most accessible tier of government and the most answerable to the constituents, therefor it the leader of this house is very important and also holds the the honor of being third in line for the presidency. house.gov defines the roll of Speaker of the House as “Elected by the whole of the House of Representatives, the Speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several roles: the institutional role of presiding officer and administrative head of the House, the role of leader of the majority party in the House, and the representative role of an elected member of the House. The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President.” While we congratulate Congressman Ryan on being selected as the new Speaker, we have every intention of making sure he live up to the conservative values he claims to espouse. Please make sure to pray for this man as he is now under great pressure and in the third highest position in our nation (1 Tim, 2:1-2) Congratulations Speaker Ryan! Guest post by Zachary Zupan![]() Today there are many who cry peace, peace, when there is no peace. Our debt rises above us; our culture crumbles beneath us; we are buffeted continually by the mandates of the far left, the architects of which make no apology for their beliefs. We are the ones told to moderate, or demanded to defend, our stances on the most basic institutions of our country since its’ founding: freedom of religion, free enterprise, marriage—life itself. We are being pushed off the edge of a cliff and our assailants are telling us to concede ground. If you think this is a stubborn and dogmatic assessment, recall that it was no less prominent a Founder than John Adams who said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” We who stand on the right are accused by our fellow partisans of alienating voters by our stance on principle, but it is our accusers who are guilty of the very same! The Evangelical Christians; the Reagan Democrats; the voters who are desperate for an ounce of sincerity and conviction in a candidate, and saw that, if nothing else, in our White House’s present occupant: they are being alienated by an indifferent, disingenuous, blithely placating establishment. They are being ignored. They are being marginalized. When our leadership has failed us and lost our trust, it should hardly be considered a blot on a man’s character when he cannot or will not interact peaceably with that same cabal. Do you consider the inhabitants of Washington your friends? If not, why would you want to send someone else to befriend them, or elevate someone who has already done so? "I'm seriously considering voting for [insert name of Democratic candidate here] because we need to teach [insert name of Republican candidate here] a lesson." ![]() If you're not voting for a Republican because they don't line up with your values, how can you justify voting for a Democrat, who will be more liberal than the Republican 99% of the time? Even if you do find a Democratic candidate who happens to be slightly less liberal then the Republican in the race, voting for the Democrat is supporting the Democratic platform, which is simply unacceptable. The statement at in the opening of this post is one I've heard echoed many times among the conservative grassroots. I understand their frustration. However, this mindset assumes the end goal is a better Republican party. They seek to "teach the GOP a lesson" by voting Democrat. However, a conservative GOP will not fix our problems. The Republican party cannot save our nation. A principled, conservative Republican Party is simply a means to the end, a tool. The end goal is returning our nation to our founding principles and faith in God, which is the only way America can truly be restored. If voting for the lesser of two evils is unacceptable, certainly voting for the worse of two evils must be far more unacceptable. Am I saying that we need to abandon the effort of building a conservative Republican party? No! I've actively engaged in this fight and will continue to do so. However, electing Democrats is not the way to save America. To once again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all", we must turn to Jesus Christ, the only One who can can truly restore America. Stay focused, remember the end goal, and pray for our nation. Note: I put principle before party. Sometime, somewhere, I suppose it's possible that I may end up in a position where I have a choice between a stellar conservative candidate who is a Democrat, while the Republican candidate is liberal through and through. In that case, I would probably vote for the conservative who happens to be a Democrat. However, such cases are extremely rare. This post was written by Peter B, and is also posted on his blog at www.peterformichigan.com/2014/08/30/end-goal.
![]() Though I was only 5 years old I remember 9/11/01 vividly. I didn't fully understand what happened, it was clear by the very air in the house and the fact that we stopped working and just stared at the TV that it was something huge. Instead of helping we ought to seek to punish the villains who caused this horrible tragedy. #NeverForget is trending on Twitter but I wonder if we already have. We have often said we will never forget and that "these colors don't run" let's not be idle talkers. Let's show the world that you can't just come in and kill America citizens and get away with it. We will defend ourselves and punish the wrongdoers. In my book #thesecolorsDONOTrun. Will you never forget? Prove it. ![]() You've probably heard by now -- Rick Perry, the Republican governor of Texas, was indicted by a grand jury on allegations that his veto of funding for Texas' Public Integrity Unit was politically motivated. Perry followed through on a veto threat after the head of the unit was arrested for drunk driving and refused to resign despite serving 45 days in jail. The head of a state's Public Integrity Unit serving 45 days in jail for drunk driving? That's just a little bit outrageous, don't you think? If I were in Governor Perry's place, I would have done the same thing. As Senator Ted Cruz pointed out: Unfortunately, there has been a sad history of the Travis County District Attorney's Office engaging in politically-motivated prosecutions, and this latest indictment of the governor is extremely questionable. Here's part of Governor Perry's statement on the indictment: I wholeheartedly and unequivocally stand behind my veto, and will continue to defend this lawful action of my executive authority as governor. We don't settle political differences with indictments in this country. It is outrageous that some would use partisan political theatrics to rip away at the very fabric of our state's constitution. Sign the Stand with Rick Perry petition at rickperry.org/stand-with-rick-perry.
Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court upheld the right of the owners of Hobby Lobby to practice their religion. Hobby Lobby was threatened with millions of dollars of fines if they did not pay for abortions, but the Supreme Court struck down the HHS mandate. This was a victory for religious freedom and we are all thankful that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the rights of the owners of Hobby Lobby.
However, this battle is not over. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said last Tuesday, "The one thing we’re going to do during this work period, sooner rather than later, is to ensure that women’s lives are not determined by virtue of five white men, this Hobby Lobby decision is outrageous, and we’re going to do something about it. People are going to have to walk down here and vote, and if they vote with the five men on the Supreme Court, I think they’re going to be treated unfavorably come November with the elections." Then, Senator Pat Murray (D) of Washington introduced S.B. 2578 to "repeal" Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby Inc. Please note that the Supreme Court would UPHOLD this law. The Hobby Lobby decision was decided under a 1993 law known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This law was enacted after the Supreme Court decision in Employment Div vs. Smith. In this decision, the court stopped using the compelling interest test for religious freedom cases involving a neutral law of general applicability. Because the Hobby Lobby decision was made based on a federal law and not the first amendment, the US Congress is ALLOWED to change the law to ensure that there is no exemption for Hobby Lobby. We must fight S.B. 2578 to the very end. While it may be unlikely that five republican senators will vote to allow this bill to go up for a vote in the Senate, we must remember that republicans have voted to allow other bills to go up for a vote. And while we would not expect the House to pass this bill we must watch them carefully. Remember, this is an election year and politicians are often more likely to cave to demands in an attempt to gain more votes. ![]() Watching the Mississippi U.S. Senate race unfold over the past few months, it has become very clear who our friends are and who our enemies are. It's also become painfully clear that more and more often, our enemies are within our own party. Thad Cochran's campaign and supporters spent millions demonizing conservative Chris McDaniel, a fellow Republican. His allies spent tens of thousands of dollars calling Chris McDaniel racist and turning out Democratic voters to steal the Republican primary from McDaniel, who won the clear majority of Republican votes. They are willing to sacrifice principle for power, conviction for compromise. They are willing to ignore the voice of Mississippi's Republican voters by recruiting ten of thousands of Democratic voters to cross over and vote for Thad Cochran, who campaigned on a platform of big government spending and food stamps. We will not forget how they sought to crush our voice. Conservatives are not the ones being divisive. We are not the ones alienating the base of the Republican party. The liberal Republican establishment is. We want to fight together for one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. They want power. And we will remember how they betrayed us to stay in power. Conservative Republicans must stand together. We must stand on principle. We must stand with courage and conviction. Remember Mississippi. And don't stop fighting. - Peter B. "I want to be very, very clear: there is nothing dangerous or extreme about wanting to balance a budget! There is nothing dangerous or extreme about defending the Constitution and the civil liberties therein. And there is nothing strange at all about standing, as people of faith, for a country that we built, that we believe in." Ten years ago today the Fortieth President of The United States of America passed way. President Ronald W. Reagan was a great man, a great president and a great American. He once said that "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same."
April 2016