GUEST POST BY SARAH DAHLKE![]() I can't imagine what it's like to go to war. I can't imagine the impact it can have on a person; mentally, physically, etc. I can't imagine what it would be like to be 19 and stare death in the face every single moment of every single day and ultimately pay the highest price. These men were not only true patriots, they were selfless, courageous, willing to give up everything for the sake of our great nation... true heroes!! Most of them I'll never know... most of them I'll never be able to thank and indeed my thanks is absolutely nothing in comparison! They went for our country, they died for their brothers, and now we live free and prosperous only because they were willing to shed their blood in defense of our great nation and the ideals she stands for! The freedoms we enjoy are set upon a foundation that is soaked in the blood of every man and women that has given their life in defense of them... Without these heroes, our world would be a much different place. Our thanks will never be enough... but it's our duty and our privilege to ensure their great sacrifice never fades from memory.
Texas House Representative Bryan Hughes recently filed two CPS reform bills, including one focusing on the central registry problems (HB 4119) and another CPS reform bill (HB 4121). These bills help to level the playing field between an often subjective government system and intimidated parents in CPS investigations. Both bills have passed their committees. According to State Representative Stuart Spitzer, "These two bills allow for the parents to have due process when dealing with CPS. They provide some balance between CPS, which can be overbearing, and the parents."
"The Child Protective Services system must always consider the safety of our children first and foremost. Without compromising that mission, we have to make sure that parents' rights are protected in the process." -Rep. Bryan Hughes It appears after reading the Supreme Court Arguments that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of homosexual marriage at the end of next month. Justice Kennedy, the swing vote on the court, compared the recent cases dealing with homosexuality (Bowers, Lawrence, and Obergefell) to the Civil Rights cases (Plessy, Brown, and Loving). This would be an expected comparison when dealing with the lawyer defending the state bans on homosexual marriage, but Kennedy compared these cases during a discussion with the lawyer opposing the bans in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
This begs the question, what will Christians do when the Supreme Court elevates homosexual marriage to the status of heterosexual marriage? Once the Supreme Court does this it is likely to declare that any institution that refuses to accept homosexual marriage will not be eligible for non-profit status or government funding, as it did following Loving. Thus churches would face a decision, lose many of their charities and much of their organization or retain these institutions but cave and ignore what the Bible says. I predict we shall see some of both. Most likely this decision will result in the eventual closer of Hospitals, Adoption Agencies, Colleges, and other Christian organizations that rely on their non-profit status and their government funding. Also since the Government has taken over the student loan industry, students who take out student loans will not be able to attend Christian College. Christian Colleges that do survive will eventually face a battle to protect their accreditation. Already in many conservative evangelical denomination there is mounting pressure with in the Church to accept homosexual marriage. For example at the Nazarene Church's last Church wide meeting in 2013, a large group of supposedly homosexual Nazarenes pushed for an amendment to allow acceptance of homosexuality within the Church, although in 2013 this amendment failed, the push to remake the Church in the image of man is growing. ![]() I hope you will join me in voting NO on Proposal 1 today here in Michigan. I consider a number of Michigan legislators my friends, and I've heard passionate arguments from both supporters and opponents of Proposal 1. Both sides agree that our roads need to be fixed, but disagree on how we should pay for it. It's time that our state government prioritize spending and put safe roads before corporate welfare and film subsidies. Michigan families are having to make tough decisions, and we should be working to lighten the tax burden, not increasing it. Proposal 1 increases the sales tax from 6% to 7% and much of the new revenue will not even go to fixing our roads. Vote NO on Proposal 1 today and tell Lansing that Michigan families are taxed enough already. To learn more, visit |
April 2016