Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, gave a passionate speech against militant Islam and in defense of Israel before the U.N. General Assembly on September 29. Amidst all the lies and deceptions that the UN often serves as a vehicle to spread, Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech was 35 minutes of truth for an assembly that desperately needs to hear it -- but more importantly, understand and act on it. Here are a few portions of Netanyahu's speech: "I come here from Jerusalem to speak on behalf of my people, the people of Israel. I've come here to speak about the dangers we face and about the opportunities we see. I've come here to expose the brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country and against the brave soldiers who defend it. Ladies and Gentlemen, The people of Israel pray for peace. But our hopes and the world's hope for peace are in danger. Because everywhere we look, militant Islam is on the march. It's not militants. It's nt Islam. It's militant Islam.
1880 marked 1810 years since the temple and the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem were destroyed. It also marked the beginning of change for the Middle East. Jews, hearing that for the first time in generations they could return to their homeland, began to leave the lands of their exile and return to the Promised Land – the land of Israel. The returning exiles found a desert land void of almost all life, inhabited only by a few nomadic people groups and some desert plants. The fact that the land seemed unlivable mattered little to the Jews, after all it was the land of their history; their home. A few years before the return began, Mark Twain reported what he saw during his journey in the land: “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes...Nazareth is forlorn; about [the] ford of Jordan where the hosts of Israel entered Promised Land with songs of rejoicing, one only a squalid camp of fantastic Bedouins of desert; Jericho the accursed lies a moldering today, even as Joshua's miracle left it more three thousand years ago; Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and their humiliation, have about them now to remind one that they once the high honor of the Savior's presence. The hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks by night and where the angels sang, "Peace on earth good will to men," is untenanted by any living creature, and unblessed by any feature that is pleasant to the eye. Renowned Jerusalem itself; the stateliest name in history; has lost all its ancient grandeur and is become a pauper village. The riches of Solomon are no longer there to compel the admiration of visiting Oriental queens...The noted Sea of Galilee where Roman fleets once rode at anchor and the disciples of the Savior sailed in their ships was long ago deserted by the devotees of war and commerce and its borders are a silent wilderness. Capernaum is a shapeless ruin Magdala is the home of beggared Arabs Bethsaida and Chorazin have vanished from the earth and the desert places round about them where thousands of men once listened to the Savior's voice and ate the miraculous bread sleep in the hush of a solitude, that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes. Palestine is desolate and unlovely.” Regarding the vegetation, Twain attested: “There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country. No landscape exists that is more tiresome to the eye than that which bounds the approaches to Jerusalem” [1] It was to this inhospitable land that the descendants of Abraham returned, but despite the barren landscape the Jews were determined to remake Israel into a home. As they began rebuilding the cities and irrigating the fields, the country began to actually become habitable. Arabs, looking for more opportunities, moved into Palestine. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War, the British gained control of much of the Middle East, including Palestine. The British decided to give part of the land to the Jews as their national home. For the first time since Babylon it appeared the Jews would have their own country. The territory promised by the British included all of present day Israel plus the country of Jordan. Unfortunately, a decade after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Britain went back on her word. The Muslims protested Jewish immigration by holding riots in the major cities of the Promised Land and killing thousands of people. In 1922 the British decided to give 4/5 of the original land promised to the Jews to the Arabs. [2] Eight years later the British cut off Jewish immigration to the area. Three years later, in 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany. Despite the desperate attempts by European Jews to get out of the path of Hitler, the British doubled down on their anti-immigration policies. In 1939 (the year World War II began) Prime Minister Chamberlin announced that Britain would no longer support a Jewish State. With nowhere to go, millions of Jews were caught in the shadow of the Swastika. In 1941 the British-appointed head of government in Jerusalem began an alliance with Hitler, and began working toward the Nazi “final solution.” At the end of the war Nazi war criminals were granted refuge in many Middle Eastern nations – never to be brought to justice for their crimes. [3] In 1948 the world again began to discuss the idea of a Jewish National Home. Israel was granted a strip of land approximately 40 miles wide (at its widest point) and 263 miles long. This area was less than 1/5 of what Israel had originally been promised, but the Jewish people were more than willing to make it a home. The rest of the land went to make a Palestinian state – the original two state solution. Then in 1949, less than a year after Israel’s birth, five nations attacked Israel. Israel’s fledgling army was able to stop her enemies a mere 10 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. When a peace agreement was reached, a foreign invader occupied almost half of modern Israel. Jerusalem and all the land to the West was controlled by a hostile nation. All of the area that has historically been known as Judea was in the hands of Jordan (today Judea is known as the West Bank). The Israeli boarder was only a three hours walk from the Sea. Even though part of Judea had not been given to the Jewish State, many Jews lived on the West Bank. Jordan ordered that all Jews had to leave the Jordanian occupied territory. This all changed again in 1967 when again five nations attacked Israel. This time rather than losing ground the Jews gained back all of the original land given to them, plus the Sinai Peninsula and part of the Judea. Israelis whose land had been taken during the Jordan occupation hurried to their homes to see what was left. These families began to rebuild their lives, when much to everyone’s surprise they were told that they were the occupying force in what the international community referred to as the “West Bank.” While any Arab homes in the West Bank remained in the hands of the Arab families, most of the land had belonged to the Jordanian Government, and so Israel’s Government naturally took ownership of these areas and began to sell them for development. The Jews were not displacing anyone in the West Bank, they were merely developing the land that had been granted to them. Today many do not understand why Israel continues to refuse to give up the West Bank. On maps the West Bank is drawn as a separate country. The UN insists on referring to it as an “occupied territory” even though under the 1967 agreement it is rightfully Israel’s. There are several reasons Israel refuses to give up the territory, but the first is the only one which I will discuss. The West Bank is a mountainous area, and highly defensible. From the mountains in the West Bank one can see all of the coastal plain of Israel. If Israel were to give up this area to a Nation that might at one point become hostile (as with Gaza) the enemy would have a view of all of Israel’s troop movements. Also it is a rather short walk from the West Bank to the Mediterranean Sea (10 miles) an army could easily traverse this small expanse in a day, splitting the Nation in two and thus destroy the country. Also no part of Israel would be free from the fear of a short range rocket attack. The West Bank provides Israel with a marvelous defense, for tanks and heavy weaponry cannot cross into the mountains. It is highly defensible, protecting the most vulnerable Israeli coastal plain and it pushes Israel’s boarder to at least 40 miles from the Mediterranean. People like to state that Israel should allow the creation of a Palestinian State, but they forget that one was created at the same time as the Jewish Nation. Jordan, originally granted to Israel, was separated and given to the Palestinians as their own country. The fact that many Arabs do not want to leave the West Bank and move to Jordan does not give them the right to demand more land from their Jewish hosts. As far as Israeli policy concerning the Gaza Strip, one may recall that Israel had control of Gaza until 2005 when Israel granted Gaza its independence. The Gazan people proceeded to elect Hamas as its government – a terrorist organization that had vowed to do all it could to destroy Israel. Israel, seeing no other option, proceeded to stop all flow of weapons into Gaza. This did not stop Hamas terrorists from manufacturing short range missiles and building tunnels which it could use to terrorize Israeli civilians. In August 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and killed by Hamas. Consequentially, all three were Arab and Muslim. Hamas began pouring rockets into Israeli cities. Israel proceeded to return fire on Hamas. They invaded Gaza and destroyed the tunnels used by the terrorists. Unfortunately, the Hamas terrorists hid their rocket launchers in civilian areas. Israel had to protect her civilians and therefore had to take out the threat of the rocket launchers. Hamas, attempting to protect itself via international outrage at Israel, worked to keep civilians in the areas that they knew Israel was going to target. Israel warned the civilians in the areas, but ultimately Israel had to act. Cease fire after cease fire was signed and then broken by Hamas. Hamas proved that it cared for little else but the destruction of the Jewish state. Some have claimed Israel wanted to commit genocide, but if this was the case why does Israel protect her own Palestinian population with the same tenacity that she protects her Jewish population? Why did her army provide medical care for the wounded in Gaza? Why did she attempt to warn the civilian populations? And finally why did she grant Gaza independence at all. If Gaza, a strategically unimportant strip of land, can be so harmful to its Jewish neighbor, imagine what damage could be caused by a Palestinian neighbor that controlled the high lands above Israel. Israel’s right to the land is clear. Israel is a sovereign nation and must be judged as such. The first duty of any sovereign nation is to protect her people. Israel has worked hard to accomplish this goal. She has worked hard to even protect the civilians of her enemies, and yet the world only attacks this nation that is barely the size of Maryland. Perhaps it is time to stand with Israel against the terrorists who have vowed not only to wipe out Israel, but all of Western Culture. Perhaps now after almost 2000 years of being without a homeland, it is time for the world to recognize that the Jews are home. [1] The Writings of Mark Twain: The innocents abroad, The new Pilgrims' progress [2] A Place Among the Nations – Benjamin Netanyahu pg. 348 [3] A Place Among the Nations – Benjamin Netanyahu pg. 193 Freedom's Defenders condemns the actions of the United Nations against the sovereign nation of Israel. There is no evidence of any war crimes committed by Israel, but there is evidence of crimes being committed by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The fact that the United Nations has determined to attack Israel's actions rather than the actions of terrorists once again show how the United Nations has taken sides against the interest of the United States. The failure of the United Nations to recognize Israeli borders, and that organization's insistence that much of the territory granted to Israel is "occupied Palestine" should indicate to the world that the United Nations does not have the ability to lead on this matter. The fact that the United Nations seems to portray the fact that fewer Israeli citizens have died than Gazans as unfair, continues to build the case against the United Nations. The High Commissioner of the United Nations stated; “I unequivocally reiterate to all actors in this conflict that civilians must not be targeted. It is imperative that Israel, Hamas and all Palestinian armed groups strictly abide by applicable norms of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Not abiding by these principles may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.” It is beyond dispute that Israel does abide by international law. Israel warns the civilians in any area before attacking. Israel repeatedly asks civilians to leave targeted areas, but the Government of Gaza tells the people to ignore Israeli warnings. Israel has even opened field hospitals for the civilian Gazan victims of the conflict. Terrorists in Gaza have fired thousands of rockets into civilian areas of Israel. The only reason the death toll of Israel is lower than the death toll of Gaza is because Israel has superior technology, and is able to intercept the missiles destined for Israeli civilians. Gaza does not have this technology, nor do they want it, the government of Gaza does not allow their citizens access to bomb shelters. The government of Gaza wishes to use their people as shields, in order to make Israel look bad. Israel's only wish is to live in peace and defend her citizens -- Hamas terrorists have made that impossible. Freedom's Defenders condemn the UN's actions and call for an investigation into the actions of Gaza and full military and economic support behind the Nation of Israel. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. God bless Israel. Israel has seen recent attacks - both literally and figuratively - from her enemies. While Gaza has launched a full scale rocket assault on Israel, Israel's political enemies have begun to attack the fact that Israel is defending herself. Earlier this week Gaza breached a five hour old cease fire by launching 50 rockets into Israel - sending the citizens of Tel Aviv scrambling for shelter. Today Israel announced that they will be launching a ground invasion into Gaza. Below is a defense of Israel's actions by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyaha made at the beginning of a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini.
To read more about this conflict we recommend Jonah Goldberg's recent article.
The United Nations "Disabilities Treaty" (CRPD), is back in the Senate and a committee hearing will be held on July 22 at 10am Eastern Time. This dangerous treaty would surrender parental rights and national sovereignty to the United Nations, while not actually benefiting Americans with disabilities. Treaty proponents are pushing hard for ratification, knowing that conservatives are likely to pick up several additional U.S. Senate seats in November, making it even harder to ratify the treaty. See the list of Senators that sit on the Foreign Relations Committee here, and call your senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Learn more about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities here. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The name sounds simple and straightforward enough, right? Who wouldn't support a treaty about the rights of disabled Americans? But despite its name, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (or CRPD for short) actually threatens our national sovereignty and does little to nothing for Americans with disabilities. “Ultimately, I’m unable to vote for a treaty that could undermine our Constitution and the legitimacy of our democratic process as the appropriate means for making decisions about the treatment of our citizens." Under the Constitution, international treaties ratified by the United States become the law of the land -- overruling the US Constitution, federal laws, state constitutions, and state laws. The CRPD also gives the United Nations power to ensure that the United States is complying with the treaty, surrendering sovereignty directly to unelected bureaucrats at the UN. In addition to undermining our national sovereignty, the CRPD, if ratified by the U.S. Senate, would turn the parent-child relationship on its head by establishing a dangerous new legal standard for dealing with children with disabilities: the best interests of the child standard. "Children are treated much, much better in the special needs setting whenever their parents have real and certain rights. Those rights are gone if the Senate ratifies this treaty." In Article 7(2), the CRPD states: “In all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.” What this essentially means is that the government and the UN determine what is best for a child, not their parents. Putting a government bureaucrat into all parent-child relationships will never prove to be beneficial for society. Proponents of the CRPD will often point to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and say that the CRPD contains the same standards as the ADA. But in a recent column, former Senator Rick Santorum, a national leader in the fight against the CRPD, bluntly deals with this falsehood: The treaty’s supporters tell us that CRPD simply mirrors the Americans with Disabilities Act. Don’t buy that. Senator Santorum goes on the explain the differences between CRPD and the ADA in his column, which we highly recommend that you take a few minutes to read. Florida Senator Marco Rubio makes an important point about the path America should follow in the international arena when it comes to the rights of the disabled: "I believe America's example should lead the way on achieving stronger universal disability rights instead of the United Nations." US ratification of this treaty has no impact on other nations. Even nations that have already ratified the CRPD are not complying with its terms, and they will not suddenly decide to do so if the United States ratifies the treaty. In closing, Rick Santorum sums it up well: "The United States is already the international leader on the protection of disability rights. We don’t need to ratify a flawed U.N. treaty to prove it." For more information on the CRPD, as well as common misconceptions about the treaty, please visit There, you can also email your Senators and donate to help raise awareness about the dangers of this UN treaty. Don't forget to like RejectCRPD on Facebook and follow @RejectCRPD on Twitter as well! Originally a guest post by our Grassroots Director, Peter B, on the VDP Student Leadership Society Blog. See it here.
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Threatens America's Sovergnity, and Parental Rights, and could enshrine abortion into American law. Micheal Farris Ph.D, J.D., L.A.A. spoke in opposition to the treaty on these grounds. During the question and answer part of the hearing proponants of the treaty attacked him personally and misrepersented his arguments, but he perservered, offering sound legal reasoning, and showing the end result of the logic of his opponants. See his full testamony here. Watch the hearing here, and read the treaty here.
Dr. Farris is a Constitutional Lawyer who has argued Cases before the Supreme Court of the United States. He has both a degree in American Law and a degree in international law. He is the chancellor of Patrick Henry College where he teaches Government, and Law. He has also coached 7 national championship moot court teams.
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Elane Photography is a business in New Mexico that refused be the photographer at a same-sex ceremony. The same-sex couple took the case before the New Mexico Human Rights Commission that which ordered the photography shop to pay a fine for opperating according to the belief that marriage is between one man and one women. The owners promptly sued. Several months latter the Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, "There is a price to pay" in order to believe Christianity. Read More Here.
Oral Arguments regarding Prayer were heard this week at the Supreme Court. In Greece vs. Galloway a city in upstate New York was sued for opening their coucil meetings with prayer. Read the arguments here. Read More about the Case here.
The Supreme Court heard a case this week involving the question, 'How far does a United Nations treaty go?' Read more about that here.
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This treaty endangers the sovereignty of the United States by placing the United Nations over the USA as the final authority for laws on people with disabilities. The United Nations is comprised of not only countries like the United States, but also countries that practice human rights abuses on a daily basis. These countries have no respect for life, and therefore we should not give them any say over our laws. The United Nations is an unelected group of individuals that can potentially wield power over the will of the American people. We cannot allow that to happen.
Secondly, this treaty would enshrine abortion into American law. Under the treaty, any means necessary for a disabled person to plan the spacing and number of children must be allowed. What if someone decides to only have two children, and finds they are pregnant with a third? The only way to stop them from having a third is abortion. Thus the treaty, by requiring that quote "The rights of persons with disabilities to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and to have access to age-appropriate information, reproductive and family planning education are recognized, and the means necessary to enable them to exercise these rights are provided," enshrines abortion into the law of any nation that accepts the treaty. This sentence, innocent as it may sound, could destroy millions of lives.
Thirdly, the treaty places the government as overseers of the decisions of the parents of disabled children. Parents would be stripped of their ability to make decisions in the best interest of their child; suddenly it would be the government's job.
Because of these three issues, it is not in America's best interest, nor in the best interest of the disabled, to pass this treaty. After all, most disabled children are killed by abortion before they are born. This treaty, rather than helping the disabled, enshrines into law a way to dispose of them, a way to discriminate against them, and a way to murder the disabled.
What you can do!
Contact the Senators of this committee and tell them to #RejectCRPD
Senators currentally in favor of CRPD
Senator John McCain: 202-224-2235
Senator Robert Menendez: 202-224-4744
Senator Barbra Boxer: 202-224-3553
Senator Ben Cardin: 202-224-4524
Senator Jeanne Shaheen: 202-224-2841
Senator Christopher Coons: 202-224-5042
Senator Dick Durbin: 202-224-2152
Senator Tom Udall: 202-224-6621
Senator Chris Murphy: 202-224-4041
Senator Tom Kaine: 202-224-4024
Senator Edward Markey: 202-224-2742
Senator Bob Corker: 202-224-3344
Senators currentally opposed who are swing votes
Senator Jeff Flake: 202-224-4521
Senator Jim Risch: 202-224-2752
Senator Ron Johnson: 202-224-5323
Strong Opponents of CRPD
Senator Marco Rubio: 202-224-3041
Senator Rand Paul: 202-224-4343
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