Previous Watch List Bills in the 113th Congress
S. 47 - passed although Freedom's Defenders opposed the bill. The bill was introduced by Sen Leahy (D-VT) Click here to learn more; Click here to see how your Senator voted (Feb. 12, 2013); Click here to fee how your Representative voted. (Feb. 28, 2013) Nominations Hagel Nomination- Chuck Hagel was Confirmed despite opposition. Hagel Confirmed as Secretary of Defense (Feb. 26, 2013) Senate failed to Invoke Cloture on Halligan Nomination. (March 6th, 2013) Freedom's Defenders Opposed Halligan. UPDATE: President Obama withdrew Halligan's Nomination. (May 22, 2013) Previous Alerts The Senate invoked Cloture on S.649 How did your Senator vote? (April 11, 2013) Gun Control bill will be pulled from the Senate floor. S.649 (April 18, 2013) How did your Senator vote on the Toomey-Manchin Amendment? How did your Senator vote on the "Assault Weapons" ban? Keystone Pipeline approved by House (241-175) (H.R.3) House Judicary Committee to vote on H.R. 1797 this week. Tell your Representative to support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act! Approved by the Committee! Obama Promises to Veto Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Bill Introductions Rep. Diane Black Intoduced a Bill that would Protect Freedom of Conscience (H.R.940) Sen. Mike Lee introduces the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act for DC (S.886) Other Bills and Stories House Resolution to Honor Lady Thatcher, H.Res.141, was blocked by Senate Democrats. UPDATE; Sen.Res.98 passes the Senate |